Our Videos

Phumlani Majozi: Introduction to the Rule of Law

Rex van Schalkwyk: What the Rule of Law is and is not

Leon Louw: What is dangerous law?

Rex van Schalkwyk: From ridicule to prison: Nowhere to hide from the Hate Speech Bill

Rex van Schalkwyk: Violation of the Rule of Law gave SA the Guptas and Zuma corruption

Robert Vivian: 75% is what it will take to change S25 of Constitution – no argument

Martin van Staden: Simple steps toward a free society: Reason and constraint over discretion and arbitrariness

Martin van Staden: The Rule of Law and judicial contempt for liberty in South Africa

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The Rule of Law Project is an initiative of the Free Market Foundation (www.freemarketfoundation.com) and is dedicated to giving substance to section 1(c) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, which provides for the supremacy of the Constitution and the Rule of Law.